Chinese migrants have been arriving in Australia since as early as 1811, when they often worked as shepherds. When gold was discovered in Australia 1851, hundreds of Chinese citizens rushed to Australia in news of the Gold Rush. The volume of Chinese immigration significantly increased throughout the 50s and 60s, in fact by 1861, 3.3% of Australia’s population had been born in Australia. As can be predicted, it didn’t take long until the immigrants began suffering from racism and discrimination, leading to the infamous White Australia policy.

When Chinese immigrants first came to Australia, disapproval of the group were first raised due to their large numbers, religious beliefs, the belief that they’d lower living standards, threaten democracy and the fear that their numbers could grow resulting in a ‘yellow tide’.
When the Japanese, South Asian's and South Pacific Islanders began migrating to Australia in the 1870s, a public outcry broke out. The demand for a White Australia surged and was now stronger than ever.

The White Australian policy, also known as the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was a legislation that was introduced to the newly formed federal parliament to limit the number of non-British migrants from entering the country. The aim of this legislation was to essentially limit Asians from immigrating to Australia and keep Australia ‘British’.
Pass or fail: Dictation test
Migrants who entered Australia from 1901 to 1958 were forced to take a dictation test; in which the individual would have to write 50 words in any European language decided by the immigration officer. However, after 1905, officers were able to choose any language at all without limit; For example, a Chinese immigrant was asked to write 50 words in French, Italian and English.
The abolishment of the legislation
At the end of 1958, the Immigration Restriction Act and dictation test ended, however, parts of the White Australia Policy such as the registration of non- British migrants as ‘alien’, continued well into the early 1970s.
In 1975, the Racial discrimination act was implemented and therefore making it illegal to discriminate against migrants based on their race, officially removing any memory the White Australia policy ever existed.
"I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. ... They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united."
On the 10th of September, 1996, Pauline Hanson made the infamous speech regarding Asian immigrants. Whilst strenuously denying that she was a racist, Hanson began to attack those who promoted political correctness and those who control taxpayers funded by industries that flourish servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and various other minority groups. Most of her speech, however, was targeted at the Asian immigrants in Australia. After quoting Arthur Calwell, the labour leader who opposed ending the White Australia Policy in the 60s, she went on to claim that stopping immigration will also stop immigrants from taking jobs from Australians. It was clear that she views Asian migrants as n threat to the Australian culture and society.
In 2016, almost 20 years after her maiden speech, Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party returned to the political scene elected as part of the Australian senate along with three One Nation colleagues.

Since the COVID 19 outbreaks across the globe, many have been quick to blame Asians for the virus- Chinese specifically. In recent months, the racial discrimination and abuse against the Asian community has risen significantly, with few making it viral online. Aside from verbal and physical abuse experienced by many Asians during this pandemic, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have taken to attacking specific cultural practices; calling them everything from disgusting and vile to aliens.