LE Jason
Disney: a multi-billion-dollar company has somehow managed to mess up another live-action remake that played a significant role for many Asian people across the globe. Mulan 2020. For over a century now, there has been a lack of Asian representation in Western media. Only since the release of Crazy Rich Asians (2018) have we started to see a representation of Asians in Western media that did not perpetuate the Asian stereotype. Let's take a close look at Disney's depiction of Mulan.
Disney’s Mulan 1998, although culturally significant; it came out in a time of film where people of colour were routinely tokenized. Mulan 1998 set out to inspire young Asian girls, showing that they could make a difference. Growing up with such a lack of Asian representation, Mulan 1998 was every bit beautiful as you could have hoped. It is not by any means a flawless film; it has some questionable racial depictions. I even heard many people say it was a watered version of the story. But, none of that matters, because for the first time, I felt represented on the big screen. My culture, my favourite story, Disney. I cannot fathom how empowering it must have felt to young girls, after all I am a guy. Especially with Asian girls seen to be stereotypically submissive, Mulan overcame that. Which then showed that Asian girls are more than a fetish.
Mulan isn’t like any other Disney film. She isn’t born into a family of royalty or nobility and she does not marry into one either. Mulan is a warrior after all. For a traditionally highly patriarchal country, Mulan is an important icon. Who not only provides girls in China an important representation but a sense of empowerment. However, Mulan 2020 achieves the opposite.
In (Mulan 1998) Mulan’s journey to join the army empowers women in two ways. First, by showing her capability in holding her own against grown men. Mulan is a total klutz but so is everybody else. We see this group of men train together, eat and live together; and we also see that whilst the other soldiers grow, so does she. Mulan 1998, a statement was made that – Women, in any practical situation can keep up with men. In this film, Mulan learns to embrace her masculinity.
However, the second way Mulan 1998 empowers women is by empowering femininity. At first glance, this seems strange as Mulan is a tomboy and a failed bride. In Mulan 1998, femininity means submission, and masculinity means aggression. Mulan’s journey is to embrace gender expressions, she does such by succeeding in traditionally masculine tasks, and by refusing to engage in hypermasculinity. Instead, she uses her wits to overcome such obstacles; proving where there is a will there's a way. Mulan 1998 shows both genders learning to embrace one another, girls can be manly and men expressing femininity is not a bad thing.
Mulan 2020 follows the same basic plot. However, upon further examination, there are two critical differences. Number one, Mulan is now a fighting prodigy. An awful decision to say nonetheless, but to dispose of the journey of Mulan growing alongside with her friends – which lets us know that women are just as capable as men? Shows the lack of thought put into the journey or Mulan. Mulan 2020 shows that only a select few, who are blessed by gods, have the privilege to even keep up with men. Those who are not so gifted, like Mulan’s sister character, who gets married. It conveys the message that young girls, if they are not gifted, they cannot make a change. Instead, Mulan should be manifesting into young girls that they too are capable of fighting with enough perseverance. Mulan 2020 shows you are just the sister if you are not gifted, and whoever is gifted – is Mulan.
In Mulan 1998, Mulan is shown to be a problem solver – that is why she can overcome obstacles faster and easier than some other men. With these inherent problem-solving skills, she is shown to be someone who never gives up. However, Mulan 2020 shows that with the power of chi, Mulan exceeds all the troops on the battlefield. Mulan simply does the ‘manly thing’ better than men. Mulan’s experience and perspective as a woman are not valued nor explored. Instead, it is shown to be a hindrance to her. So instead of Mulan teaching her friends to break free from the stereotype of hypermasculinity – she just doesn’t. The only lesson Mulan learns in this film, or anyone for that matter - is to not hide your identity, which is Mulan’s naturally gifted power.
Writer's statement
Disney has attempted to make a film with intentions of empowering young girls by showing them that gender has no boundaries. Instead, Disney has shown that girls must have special powers to overcome obstacles which inevitably gives the incentive that men are greater than women. Mulan 2020 was meant to be the Black Panther film for many Asians. A film that was meant to empower generations to come, fell pathetically short. As Asians, we can only hope Disney’s upcoming release of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) will be our Black Panther.