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2020 isn't actually that bad!

Mi Cao

This article includes content that may upset some readers. Please read with care.

TW: Police Brutality, Sexual trauma, Racism

“2020 is going to be my year!” The phrase everyone told themselves as the New Year came around. Looking back at it 9 months later, well, look at how we’re going. Seeing the effects it has had on people mentally, and physically, you would assume that 2020 has been nothing but a flop. However, despite all of this despair, it does not mean that the year has been a complete disaster. Throughout the year, our world has surprisingly been improving, environmentally, and socially.

Air pollution

Climate change. An issue endangering the entire planet, yet with minimal attention being brought to it politically. School Strike For Climate (SS4C), is a global organisation encouraging students to protest against the ongoing climate issue. With their protests coming to a halt due to lockdown, it is a worry that people will lose interest in continuing to fight on. According to Liverpool University, cities including Delhi, Bangkok, São Paulo, Bogota and Beijing have recorded their air quality improving steadily, a real-time air quality measurer records Australia’s air also being top quality. At least this means that as soon as restrictions ease globally, people will be able to leave their houses feelin

g refreshed as ever

Social awareness

One of the most disheartening events that have occurred this year was the death of George Floyd, who passed away due to Policeman Derek Chauvin, kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes. After this incident, people began protesting the ongoing racial issues within the justice system. Although it began in Minneapolis, Minnesota, it sparked global outrage. After the attention the protests were gaining, it encouraged people to show their allyship online as well. Hashtags including Black Lives Matter have reached over 25 million posts on Instagram alone. Imagine the impact other social media platforms including Twitter, Reddit, Linkedin, and Youtube have had on the movement as well.

The Black Lives Matter movement was not the only social issue that has been to light since the beginning of the year. The mass genocide happening in China, racism within the entertainment and fashion industry, child grooming, and mental health awareness have also become conversation topics.

Personally, I see people talk, post and repost topics about social issues every day. It is refreshing to see how socially aware people have become in 2020. If you were to compare this year to late 2018-early 2019, it is evident that people have started to care less about gaining social attention from their group selfies, but rather news about mental awareness.

Although what was listed were positives on what good has happened in 2020 publically, this does not imply that personal achievements mean any less. To those who achieved something this year, whether it is coming out to your loved ones, leaving toxic people, or even getting that ollie after a million tries, they are all valid reasons as to why 2020 was a good year for you. If you realised that you have smiled more than you ever have, then that is a sign that 2020 is your bitch. To 2020!

Writers note:

Personally, I believe that 2020 has most likely been the year for me. I have grown mentally and socially, by realising what it is I need to let go of. Although we have been stuck in online school for more than half the year, I am still eternally grateful for the opportunities quarantine has given me. I introduced myself to new hobbies, revamped my style, and stepped out of my comfort zone to be more socially active with my friends. Something else that has positively occurred was my decision to educate and share my opinions on social issues happening around the world. Prior to 2020, I was always nervous when it came to speaking out on political issues, but with a yolo mindset, the fear of others’ judgement disappeared.


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