To make a change is to become different. Whether it is for better or for worse, we all go through change in our lives. Change happens in our life, because to progress through life, we must experience the highs and lows that life presents.
Improvement of lifestyle, whether it is for academics or fitness. Must first start, with change. Change is a necessity that all of us experience. This year, we have all experienced COVID-19. Consequently, it changed our lifestyles. Some of us had to study or work from home while others had to risk their lives to continue to make a living at their workplace. COVID made our lives harder. But we survived, did we not? We pushed and continued to live, despite the circumstances. COVID is the prime example of change that we have all experienced. Everybody was affected. But it was you that decided to make things better by adapting and accepting the harsh realities. But by persevering through these conditions that life gave to you. You have shown not only the world what you are capable of but yourself.
But, I would like to talk about change on a larger scale. A scale that not only affects yourself but those around you. The communities that you are a part of. If you want to make a change in these communities, you must first imagine. Imagine the possibilities. You cannot possibly name them all. After all, your imagination is the limit your potential holds. No matter how big your goals, there is no time limit to the abilities you can develop.
I would like to share my experience. Earlier this year, I saw my cousin participate in an event called: Live Below the Line. Seeing it, I saw it as an opportunity for me to step up and do something that raises awareness but also allows me to feel like I am making a difference.
Now, I’m not saying that you have to raise your hand whenever the opportunity arises, but I am merely just showing you the power you hold as one person. One voice can inspire so many more people to use their voice. And it's not even about making a change in your lifetime.
Think Martin Luther King Jr. a man that planted a legacy that changed the way black people live their lives in America. A battle that still goes on today. It's about planting that seed so it can be nurtured by future generations. To hold a legacy that many will think too. To be inspired to do something. To believe that they CAN make a difference.
Do not be afraid. There are many out there waiting for their time, but if you start it off. We can all contribute to your values and ideas. You are not alone, no matter the fight, you will always have people beside you. It’s a fact. Use your voice to inspire others. Use your voice to speak out for others. Use your voice, so others can.
It’s important to understand that if you persist and persevere. You can achieve any one of your goals in life. No matter how big or small, after all – there is no time limit to the abilities you can develop.