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Thank you.

Shan Balakid

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

Here we go again. The second wave of quarantine has struck Melbourne and we’re all going through quarantine no.2. No biggie, right? Just stay at home, maintain social distancing and relax.

As of right now, Victoria has recorded 18,028 cases with 13,239 patients recovered and an unfortunate number of 398 deaths. The highest recorded cases in a day was on the 30th of July, at a whopping 723 cases, along with 13 deaths. What made this day even more terrifying, was schools continuing classes for their VCE students, despite some even closing down due to cases uprising. With cases rising this high, you would expect the public to be obeying COVID-19 laws, and only going outside when required right? Well, think again. Despite the statistics, people have chosen to leave their homes for personal reasons, including hosting parties, going on trips with friends, and more. Due to these reckless acts, state premier Daniel Andrew has enforced new rules, followed by immense fines rising up to $10,000 AUD. These rules included forcing people to wear masks at all times in public areas, having a maximum of only 2 people share sports equipment, and a limit to public transport access.

The state government have been working endlessly to figure out how to flatten the curve, by compromising state laws, announcing the news on statistics to the citizens. However, they are not the only ones working hard during this crisis. The true saviours are the front liners, working in close proximity of the virus, aiding those who are diagnosed with the virus, along with managing the tests. Although they are at great risk with receiving COVID-19, these hard workers are risking their lives to save thousands, even to the point where they are even extending their shifts. Frontliners need to be appreciated more, with the number of sacrifices they have made, their hard work must not be slept on.

Coming from a more personal side, I have family members and friends who are out and putting their lives in danger just for the chance that we don’t get corona. To respect their privacy, I’m not going to list any names, however, I can say that this has taken a huge toll on them and their families. Every day, they work hard and come home exhausted. I know the media has drawn attention to this matter to help praise frontline workers, and how Maccas has an ‘Essential Healthcare Worker’ meal deal, I can’t help but feel as though I haven’t done enough to express my gratitude.

There’s only so much I can do from home, and if I could, I would give everyone a pat on the bat- but I don’t think that’s appropriate provided the world is stuck in a global pandemic. However, I do have some words that I would like to share with you.

To all the front line workers… Thank you. Words cannot even begin to express the amount of respect placed on you. We all are truly grateful thankful for all the hard work completed to help take care of sick patients, as well as trying to prevent the spread of corona. By risking your lives on a daily basis for us, you are all the true heroes in our society… But calling you ‘heroes’ would be an understatement.

I can’t even begin to fathom what our world would be like without you guys here. This isn’t just referring to our current situation, but to everything that has happened throughout history, as well as in the future. From the previous outbreaks to a daily medical checkup, to the health aid during wars to treating a small flu, you are incredibly amazing… Thank you.

To everyone reading this, please do your job. If you stay at home, wear a mask and maintain social distancing, only then can you contribute to this battle against COVID.



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