#Alllivesmatter, according to many this is what everyone should be using because no race is more superior than another. Although this is true, there is a time and place for it and right now at this moment in the world, black and indigenous lives need us more than ever. One of the things that I have found striking through reading the catalogue of new articles written about the Black Lives movement happening primarily in America and the police brutality against the Indigenous people right here in Australia, is that people seem to have forgotten that most of their country was built of off the backbone of these people they seem to look down upon.
As an Asian living in Australia, I will never personally understand or experience the level of fear and discrimination that black people have. Sure, I’ve gotten racist comments and been called a few names, especially during this COVID 19 pandemic, but that's it. Snide comments made by strangers that go as quickly as they come. Despite being part of a minority, I am able to walk down the street alone, have a loud conversation with friends and ride a bike down the street without raising the suspicion of my neighbours or be questioned by the cops. That is something I will never experience nor will most Asian and White people. We do not have to practice a line at home so that the police, the people who are supposed to protect us from harm, won’t see us as a threat- because they already don’t. But based on what? Our skin colour?
Over the course of the last few weeks, the world has poured out their frustrations and outrage in regards to the death of George Floyd and countless others. They have pleaded and begged to be heard by the Government and what response did the people get? The United States president threatening violence against protesters. In fact on the 1st of June, Trump spoke to reporters claiming to be an ally to peaceful protesters all while tear gas cans could be heard popping off in the background. They were warding off those peaceful protesters outside St. John's Episcopal Church, for Trump’s photo op.
What an ally to have.
Of course, this goes without saying that there have been violent and aggressive protestors- in fact, there were two police officers whose lives were taken (between the 31 of May and 1 of June). This war against the police that some people seem too have taken up is in no way helping the movement, nor is it fair because the truth is not all cops are racist and not all of them abuse their power. Understandably, this is where people often use All lives matter, however, the issue there is that we know all lives matter but some don’t. Some people don’t think Black or Indigenous lives matter at all and that’s where the problem is. All lives don’t matter until Black and Indigenous lives do.
It should go without saying, but when millions of people band together worldwide to fight for one cause, the Governments should take a step back and listen. We’re not asking for much, only that specific groups of people aren’t disadvantaged and left fearful due to a broken system that can be fixed, that people are held accountable for their actions no matter their status and that hopefully, soon the ingrained racism put in us by society will diminish.